«El espíritu de época contemporáneo, definido como Postmodernidad ha instaurado la quiebra de la racionalidad, herencia del ilustrado. Es consecuencia de la deconstrucción, ariete del posthumanismo que caracteriza una sociedad líquida regida por la inteligencia emocional y por un pensamiento débil que rechaza los grandes relatos legimitadores [que prueban o justifican la verdad de algo conforme a los hechos y a la realidad, sustituyéndolos por las intensas alteraciones del ánimo, pasajeras e impredecibles, agradables o penosas y su asociada conmoción somática, esto es, las emociones, en las cuales centran todos sus valores y le son útiles para controlar y dominar a quien no se toma el trabajo de razonar] y que asume con la postverdad el imperio de la mentira».
«Es, ante todo, un cultor de la palabra libre y por ello es consciente del poder del verbo como vehículo virtuoso para capturar la realidad y analizarla para divulgarla con la inspiración de la lengua y con la fortaleza del concepto. En su mente se asomaba siempre el peligro de que surjan generaciones para quienes no hay cosas, no hay personas, no hay fronteras, no hay saberes, no hay creencias, no hay razones para vivir o morir. Perecen los grandes misterios lo mismo que mueren las lenguas y las gramáticas».
Samir A . Sánchez
Proyecto Experiencia Arte
Profesor en la Universidad de Deusto (España)
Proyecto Experiencia Arte introduces its Digital Library, a curated collection of separates (reprints), articles, essays, and downloadable eBooks. These resources focus on the history, art, culture, architecture, urban planning, geology, and cultural anthropology of Táchira State, in the Western Venezuelan Andes. We draw from a wide range of academic and research works, creating a valuable repository within our Edublog.
Organized into four collections—Separata, Ex Libris, Fragmenta, and Terra Nostra (for collaborative works on Táchira State themes)—our library aims to provide rigorous analysis and combat superficiality and misinformation, challenges prevalent in our contemporary world.
We acknowledge the "dark and cloudy times" of irrationality and technological overwhelm, as described by Spanish writer Darío Villanueva in "El atropello a la razón" (2024). He critiques the postmodern dismissal of rationality, the deconstruction of the human condition by posthumanism, and the rise of "post-truth" and emotional intelligence over critical thinking. We share his concern about the erosion of objective truth and reasoned discourse.
Our collections are inspired by the power of the free word, as articulated by the esteemed Jesuit José del Rey Fajardo, referencing Dr. Ramón J. Velásquez. Fajardo emphasized the "power of the verb" to capture and disseminate reality, warning against a future where "there are no things, there are no people, there are no borders, there is no knowledge, there are no beliefs, there are no reasons to live or die."
In this spirit, the Proyecto Experiencia Arte Digital Library serves as a tool for meaningful reflection, facilitating different modes of understanding: knowing what (seeking truth), knowing how (understanding structure), and knowing for knowing (exploring new knowledge).
This exploration begins with our native land, Táchira. As Anthony Smith (1997) asserts, "the people and the territory have [...] to belong to each other [...] the land in question cannot be anywhere, it is not just any piece of land [...] it must be the historical territory, the homeland, the native land [...] the cradle of our people [...] The native land becomes the repository of historical memories and mental associations; it is the place where 'our' wise men, saints and heroes lived, worked and prayed."
Ultimately, Proyecto Experiencia Arte, acting as a "Vademecum of Memory," strives to share and disseminate knowledge. We echo Louvre historian Marthe Arnould's call to "look for the keys to the beautiful paths... Beyond appearances, let us go and seek the truth, the joy, the hidden and sacred meaning of all that is upon this enchanting earth... It is the way of becoming."
Samir A. Sánchez
Editor Proyecto Experiencia Arte
Professor at the University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain)
Colección Separata
Puente colgante "Libertador". Una combiación perfecta de arte e ingeniería. (Nº 2) 2020.
Geología tachirense. Temas de geología del Estado Táchira para principiantes. (Nº 3) 2020.
Colección Ex Libris
(Artículos y ensayos especializados de autores y temas tachirenses)
(Obras compartidas de autores y temas tachirenses)